
Learn About Spray Art

My husband made a video to show his process of creating a painting with spray paint. It is a really neat process and worth watching! You can also go here to check out the rest of his work, request a custom piece, or buy one he currently has posted. Please take the time to like his page as well! Enjoy the video!

Back Again!

I have been so busy with life that I haven’t had much time to post. A lot has happened over the past few months! We have a new baby girl, a new house, my husband is doing spray art, and my oldest has started school!

Our baby girl was born November 20th and is almost 2 months old. Her arrival did not go anywhere near as planned! LOL She stopped growing due to IUGR and so I had to be induced at 38 weeks. We had planned to have our second birth center birth, but ended up with our second hospital birth. Things still went very smoothly and I still felt very in control compared to my last hospital birth.

Our new home is perfect as could be. We have a basement and a garage like we’ve wanted, we have a fully fenced in yard, and the school system is great! Our landlord fixes things right away and my oldest can run free outside for as long as he wants and burn off some of that energy.

My husband has also gotten back into the art world. He does spray art which is art made with spray paint. He is pretty awesome at it and has sold some of his paintings. He is so very creative and talented. You can check out his works of art here.

Oh, and my oldest starting school was super exciting! He loves it and hates the vacation time he gets. LOL He is excelling in his art and music and picking up on his math and language arts very quickly. We are so very proud of how well he is doing in school this year.